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QDT 245+ Compressed Air Filter

SKU: 8102297036


1 1/2

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Maintenance & Service plans
Optional Add Ons


The high efficiency activated carbon tower is capable of removing hydrocarbons, odors and oil vapor from compressed air. The activated carbon will, by the use of adsorption, reduce the residual oil content to lower than 0.003 mg/m³.

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Key Features:

  • Maximum oil vapor removal
  • Superb activated carbon material.
  • Low pressure drop
  • Optimal internal flow path.
  • High reliability
  • Robust design and optimal filter material. 

Maintenance & Service plans

Atlas Copco service solutions keep your compressed air system up and running efficiently and reliably.

Discover the maintenance solution that best fits your needs.


QDT 20 42 1/2 22
QDT 45 95 1 33
QDT 60 127 1 40
QDT 95 201 1 64
QDT 125 265 1 1/2 75
QDT 150 318 1 1/2 93
QDT 185 392 1 1/2 110
QDT 245 519 1 1/2 148
QDT 310 657 1 1/2 185
Optional Add Ons
  • Wall Mounting Kit
  • QDT Maintenance Indicator

Stationary oil-injected rotary screw compressors (G,GX, GA, GA+ including VSD) up to 110kW

Standard Warranty:

  • 2 years from start-up for Electric Main Drive (motor) and Variable speed Drive (VSD)
  • 12 months from start-up or 18 months from shipment, whichever comes first for entire unit (bumper to bumper)

Extended Warranty: 5 years from start-up for Screw Element

Other compressor types and sizes, vacuum pumps, gas generators, dryers

Standard Warranty: 12 months from start-up or 18 months from shipment, whichever comes first

Parts and accessories

Standard Warranty: 3 months from purchase

Our sustainable innovations

We have set targets for reducing the carbon impact of new products. There is also an increased focus on designing products to maximize their potential to be returned, refurbished and resold as used equipment. Atlas Copco is committed to developing solutions that support global sustainable development by increasing our customers’ productivity, reducing cost and helping them meet their sustainability ambitions. Energy consumption in the use phase of our products has a significant impact on cost and carbon footprint for our customers.

QDT 245+ Compressed Air Filter

QDT 245+ Compressed Air Filter

1 1/2